[Excerpt from the program to a this play, held in 2001]

Tonight's presentation is the result of a four-week collaboration between the Theatre 9 students of Lord Byng Secondary School and the Lion's Den Senior Centre. This collaboration arose as part of my course work for Anthropology 409/510 offered at the University of British Columbia. As a student in this course, I was encouraged to develop a small-scale community development project. I first met with six participants form the Lion's Den Senior Centre who kindly agreed to share their life stories with me. With these transcribed stories in hand, I then approached Ms. Hurst who kindly volunteered herself and her talented grade nine students to workshop these stories into the theatre program you will view this evening. An important part of the process of shaping tonight's six scenes was the time that the students and the six storytellers spent together. The student actors had a chance to meet, talk and work with the six "life story authors". The seniors visited Lord Byng and the Byng students visited the Lion's Den. I think in a small way we were able to use theatre as a vehicle for creating a sense of community between two different generations. This whole process has been enormously rewarding and fun for all involved. We hope, that as an audience you will agree that the scenes the students portray tonight reflect life themes recognizable to any generation. 

Shelagh King

1. Dave Lefler: "Adventure and Freedom" 
Introduction: Shaina Unger
Actors: Mark Giammerino, Emily Harrison, Zoe Jordan, Jememy Shuetze, Brenna Woodhouse

2. Ruth Sloan (nee Bumstead): "Employment"
Introduction: Daniel Werry
Actors: Christopher Boni, Mitchell Ellis, Marissa Mathews, Lena Peterson, Jessie Stanley

3. Evelyne Ward: "Following your Dreams"
Introduction: Shannon Chan-Kent
Actors: Thmas Brooks, Laura Hole, Caitlin Karenbach, Kate O'Connor, Shaina Unger

4. Pat Brown (nee McConnal): "Families"
Introduction: Christopher Boni
Actors: Shannon Chan-Kent, Graeme Cook, Gabriela Gonzalez-Milroy, Benjamin Stevenson, Daniel Werry

5. Carol Claire: "Idealism"
Introduction: Brenna Woodhouse
Actors: Donovan Ashby, Morgan Harrop, Kailey Hughes, Nicole Savage, Karen Segal

6. Jean Nelson: "Love"
Introduction: Graeme Cook
Actors: John Drinkwater, Katherine Loewen, Megan Klarenbach, Katherine Penner